Channel: The LOVEolutionExpansion and You~What are You Outgrowing?
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Are You Moving Freely in Your Experience? part one

There’s a lot to be learned from what our experiences are teaching us.

Conflict in relationships teaches us about boundaries.  It’s a wonderful time to redefine what’s important to you; ie values-what really matters to you, what you stand for, and if and where those lines are being crossed.  We tend to give away our power and give into situation that may not be serving our greatest when, on some level, our needs are being met.  Conflict in a relationship is a reflection of conflict within you when you are paying membership dues to something or someone you have outgrown.

The concept of ‘outgrown’ becomes confusing due to the sense of loyalty to another or a thing. We feel some sense of uneasiness in the notion of growing beyond, or becoming more than what we’ve given ourselves to.  But ‘outgrown’ simply means that something no longer fits.  When we continually grow and expand, we are bound to outsize what previously may have worked in our lives. And though we may find ourselves attached to what’s no longer fitting, it’s essential to our growth to honor that part of us that’s saying ‘But that’s not me anymore’. That part of you that’s resisting ‘what is’ is reaching for ‘what can be’ when you open more fully to the greatness of who you are.

The nature of expansion is to have room to move freely.  Are you moving freely in your experience of life or do you find yourself constricted by what’s playing out for you at this time?

The conflict is simply you needing to honor you-so it’s you creating discomfort so that you will pay attention to what you truly desire and what’s not being honored.  With this perspective, reevaluate where in your life you are being asked to be able to move freely, to move authentically, and to take a look at the ways you’re not.

Do you feel that you can exercise your true beliefs and feelings in your relationships?  Do you feel that you are completely free to be you?  And if not, are you sensing the discomfort arising?  Because if you do, that’s your Self’s way of telling you it needs to be true.  And at some point in our development, it becomes too painful to remain in what doesn’t fit.

It’s really a simple process of evolution-take the cocoon example- But somehow in our human minds we take on the obligation to what’s been and find it difficult to stretch into the new.  It’s important at this point to allow yourself to detach from whatever’s causing you angst. Because as long as you remain, you will be impending your inner desire to grow.

And remember that as you expand into a place of honoring your truth and following your heart that the rules in your head no longer apply.  Take back your power.  YOU know what’s best for you (and that part of you is reminding you).  YOU decide which direction you’ll go.  And when you’re confused, you can base it on two things.

1)  What your heart’s telling you to pay attention to (that GPS)
2)  What’s playing out in your experience

This is the ultimate of going with the flow.  Where is the flow directing you?  What is it teaching you and telling you?  Everything in this process really can become so organic when we simply listen and become aware of what’s teaching us and what it has to tell without all the hupla in our heads, but simply as an observer.

(There’s a definite theme of ‘simply’ in this note.  I believe Spirit is really trying to get us to break it down to what’s simple and live from that place.)

So, as an observer, we can notice and we can allow.  And when it seems too tough to allow, we can then surrender.  When you find yourself in conflict in a relationship, simply ask that those that need to remain in your life and are for your greatest good stay, and  those who don’t, be removed.  It really takes the guess-work out of it and allows you to remain in a place of continuing to observe and honor who you are in truth by paying heed to what your heart is telling you.

Here’s to moving freely and living wisely.

In love of life,
. Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.

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